Salem Leaders: Current Elected Officials

Kim Driscoll

Lev McClain
Ward 4 City Councillor

Andy Varela
Ward 7 City Councillor

Beth Anne Cornell
Salem School Committee

Patti Morsillo
City Council President, Ward 3 City Councillor

Jeff Cohen
Ward 5 City Councillor

Alice Merkle
City Councillor-at-Large

Kristin Pangallo
Salem School Committee

Megan Riccardi
Ward 6 City Councillor

Ty Hapworth
City Councillor-at-Large

Bob McCarthy
Ward 1 City Councillor, Dean of the Council
Groups & Organizations

Salem Leaders: Former Elected Officials
John Tierney, Former Congressman, and City Council President
Lucy Corchado, Former Ward 1 City Councillor
Christine Madore, Former Ward 2 City Councillor, President
Lisa Peterson, Former Ward 3 City Councillor
Beth Gerard, Former Ward 6 City Councillor
Josh Turiel, Former Ward 5 City Councillor
Tom Furey, Former City Councillor At Large
Elaine Milo, Former City Councillor At Large
Ana Nuncio, Former School Committee Member
Brendan Walsh, Former School Committee Member
Statewide Endorsers
Former Chairman of Ways and Means
Former Congressman John Tierney
Jeffrey Sanchez, Honorary Campaign Chair
House Leader Frank Moran
House Leader Tommy Golden
House Leader Paul Donato
Chairman Carlos Gonzalez
Chairwoman Chynah Tyler, MBLLC
Chairman Bud Williams
Chairman Bill Driscoll
Chairman Jerry Parisella
Chairman Adrian Madaro
Chairman Sean Garabelly
Chairwoman Alice Peisch
Chairman Dylan Fernandes
Vice-Chair, Representative Andy Vargas
Vice-Chair, Representative John Santiago
Vice-Chair, Representative Brian Murray
Vice-Chair, Representative Natalie Higgins
Representative Jack Patrick Lewis
Representative Jessica Giannino
Representative Russell Holmes
Representative Meg Kilcoyne
Representative Joan Meschino
Representative Jake Oliveira
Representative Ted Phillips
Representative Michael Kushmerek
Representative Alan Silvia
Former State Representative, Juana Matias
Senator Barry Finegold
Senator Jamie Eldridge
Senator Adam Gomez
Senator Jason Lewis
Senator Diana DiZoglio, Candidate for Auditor